The only truly international Tax
Conference in Europe

We would like to draw your attention to the ITC Munich 2024. This is a high-profile international tax conference jointly organized in cooperation with ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), Business@OECD and BusinessEurope.

International Tax Conference
ITC Munich 2024

“Paving the way beyond BEPS and Pillars”

11th July 10:30 am – 12th July 2:00 pm (CEST)


10:30 – 10:35

Welcome Address
Georg Geberth, Director Global Tax Policy, Siemens

10:35 – 11:15

Opening Speeches
Achim Pross, Deputy Director, Center for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD
Wolfgang Schön, Director Max-Planck-Institut (MPI), Munich; Honorary Professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich

11:15 – 12:45

Session 1 on “Pillar 1”

Presentation by Achim Pross, Deputy Director, Center for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD

Panel Discussion: Axel Nientimp, Partner WTS (Moderator)

Daniel Fehling, Head of Division International Tax Policy, German Ministry of Finance
Rick Minor, Senior Vice President and International Tax Counsel
Alan McLean, Chair, Tax Committee, Business at OECD
Achim Pross, Deputy Director, Center for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD
Wolfgang Schön, Director Max-Planck-Institut (MPI), Munich; Honorary Professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
Carine Stoffels, Director Global Tax Policy, Spotify

The Inclusive Framework’s Task Force on the Digital Economy published a draft of the Multilateral Convention (MLC) for Amount A as well as related materials in October 2023. The discussions are foreseen to be finalized end of June 2024, in order to come to an agreement on the text. On this panel the final result or, if discussions are still ongoing, the current status of the negotiations will be presented. The final report on Amount B has been published by the OECD in February 2024. The aim of Amount B is to simplify and harmonize the application of the arm’s length principle for baseline marketing and distribution activities. This panel will discuss both Amount A and Amount B.

12:45 – 14:15


14:15 – 15:45

Session 2 on “Decluttering CIT”

Presentation by Bob Stack, Managing Director, Deloitte

Panel Discussion: Laurent Leclercq, Partner Fidal (Moderator)

Reinhard Biebel, Head of Unit Corporate Tax Transparency, EU-Commission
Christian Dorenkamp, Global Head of Tax, Deutsche Telekom
Achim Pross, Deputy Director, Center for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD
Tania Saulnier, Deputy Tax Director, Mouvement des Entreprises de France, Medef
Bob Stack, Managing Director, Deloitte

Over the last decades, anti abuse rules have piled up to an enormous admin burden for companies. Policy makers have now realized that this overload of regulations is not only a problem for companies but also for the regulator itself, because the enforcement of tax laws has become extremely complex also for tax administrations. The challenge now is to find ways to reduce and simplify the “tax jungle” without putting at risk the tax revenue for Governments. The OECD has already started last year to think about possible measures and the EU-Commission has announced an initiative to evaluate the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directives until Q3 2025. The question is, if in a post-pillar 2 world the ATAD I & II need to be updated, in particular with regard to anti-hybrid and CFC rules. The panel will discuss possible measures at OECD, EU or national level.

15:45 – 16:15


16:15 – 18:00

Session 3 on “AI in Taxation”

Presentation by Juan Mendez, Internal Revenue Service

Panel Discussion: Michel Braun, Partner WTS (Moderator)

Christian Kaeser, Chair, Tax Committee, BDI; Global Head of Tax, Siemens
Jonathan Lacey, Director of International Tax Affairs, Microsoft
Paul Marsh, Advisor of FTA Secretariat at the OECD
Benita Mathew, Lecturer in AI and Fintech, University of Surrey
Juan Mendez, Senior Manager, Data Management Division; Office of the Chief Data and Analytics Officer; US Department of the Treasury (IRS)
Jens Schäperclaus, Vice Chair, Institute for Digitalization of Tax Law

AI can certainly be considered to be a game changer in the tax world. It can play a key role for businesses but also for tax administrations, not only for the fight against tax fraud, but above all with the aim of providing a better service to taxpayers and increasing their compliance of tax obligations. In the current era of tax transparency, tax administrations have more and more data, which in many cases are obtained via the taxpayers´ reporting obligations that they manage. These obligations have increased substantially and pose a very significant indirect burden on individuals and companies, which governments should “compensate” in some way. This panel will discuss the actual and potential use of AI as well as the necessary preconditions for an efficient use of it for businesses and tax administrations.


Social event evening at “Seehaus”


9:00 – 10:30

Session 4 on “Tax Certainty”

Presentation by Sandra Knaepen, Acting Head of the Tax Treaty, Transfer Pricing & Fin. Transactions Division

Panel Discussion: Robin Minjauw, Partner Tiberghien (Moderator)

Reinhard Biebel, Head of Unit Corporate Tax Transparency, EU-Commission
Mariella Caruana, Senior Adviser Taxation, BusinessEurope
John Connors, Chair, Global ICC Commission on Taxation; Senior Tax Counsel, Vodafone
Sandra Knaepen, Acting Head of the Tax Administration and VAT Division
Werner Stuffer, Global Head of Tax, ZF Friedrichshafen Group

For the business community, the integrity of the international tax system is of critical importance. “Legal Certainty” – in a narrow understanding – requires simple and consistent tax rules that are unambiguous and easy to apply. Given that a substantial simplification of tax laws is not foreseeable in the near future, “Tax Certainty” on the other hand can be achieved through the increasing use of other mechanisms such as Cooperative Compliance Programs or Joint Audits. Those Dispute Prevention instruments aim at reaching an agreement, before disputes arise (in contrast to Dispute Resolution instruments). They ensure that companies can get certainty as swiftly as possible on the amount of tax they must pay – and in advance of making business decisions wherever possible.

10:30 – 11:15


11:15 – 12:55

Session 5 on “Pillar 2”

Presentation by Félicie Bonnet, Adviser, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD

Panel Discussion: Gabriele Rautenstrauch, Partner WTS (Moderator)

Jesper Barenfeld, Global Head of Taxes, Volvo
Félicie Bonnet, Acting Head of Unit Global Minimum Tax, OECD
Daniel Fehling, Head of Division International Tax Policy, German Ministry of Finance
Uwe Ihli, Head of Section Corporate Tax Directives, EU-Commission
Andres Báez Moreno, Professor and Senior Researcher, Max-Planck-Institut
Thomas Quatrevalet, Group Head of Tax, Air Liquide

The Global Minimum Tax shapes national and international tax policies and is a major step in international cooperation on the taxation of multinational enterprises. At the same time, it has become increasingly evident, that the complexity of the Global Minimum Tax is an enormous burden for companies. As the Global Minimum Tax comes into effect in many jurisdictions from the beginning of 2024, this panel will discuss its implementation among Inclusive Framework jurisdictions. Among the many practical challenges, only selected issues can be discussed. Another point of discussion will be the perspective of the Global Minimum Tax for the next years and the possible influence it might have on further harmonization of the international tax landscape.

12:55 – 13:00


13:00 – 14:00


Venue for the conference

House of Bavarian Businesses
Max-Joseph-Straße 5,
80333 Munich (Germany)

The conference will be held in English

Participation in person or online

Participation fee

Physical & online participation fee: 250 € excl. VAT
(You will receive the payment details after registration and the link to the conference after payment.)